Search results for: 'atp'

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  2. Biotinylation
  • Luminescence Kinase Assays Illuminate the Path to Inhibitor Discovery Background Protein phosphorylation regulates most aspects of cell biology including cellular division, differentiation, metabolism, and signal transduction, a discovery that earned E. Fisher and E. Krebs the Nobel prize in Physiology in 1992. Kinases catalyze the transfer of a phosphate group from ATP to another molecule, generating ADP in the process. The phosphorylation reaction, therefore, depletes ATP while generati...
  • A2aR & Immunotherapy The great need for treatments and the promise of cures are driving the search for second-generation immunotherapies beyond therapeutic antibodies targeting PD-1 and CTLA4 pathways.  Immunotherapies are not limited to just therapeutic antibodies .  Small-molecule inhibitors are showing great promise in clinical trials.  For example, inhibitors targeting the enzymatic pathways, such as tryptophan catabolism are in late-phase clinical develop...
  • Enzymatic Biotinylation & BirA Biotin is a small, water soluble molecule of the vitamin B family. The most attractive property of biotin, from a biotechnological standpoint, is that it binds to avidin and to bacteria-derived streptavidin with an exceptionally high affinity and high specificity. Indeed, the binding of biotin and avidin is among the strongest noncovalent interaction known (dissociation constant in the range of 10 −14  M to 10 −15  M).  ...
  • NAMPT: Metabolism, Cancer, and Drug Discovery NAMPT & Metabolism The unique metabolic requirements of rapidly reproducing cells are classical targets for cancer treatment.  For example, rapid growth creates a high demand for ATP used in the biosynthesis of DNA and proteins.  The enzymatic cofactors  NAD +  and NADH contribute oxidizing and reducing agents required to generate ATP and regulate the resulting oxidative stress.  This need for high levels of A...
  • CD39 & CD73: Adenosine Signaling Therapeutic antibodies targeting checkpoint receptors such as PD-1 and CTLA4 are giving new hope to cancer patients. However, not all patients respond to treatment and the search for effective co-therapies is driving substantial research. Two critical enzymes of this pathway, CD39 and CD73 , are promising targets for increasing the effectiveness of checkpoint-based immunotherapies. 1 The hydrolysis of extracellular  ATP  to AMP is...
  • Heat Shock Protein Screening & Profiling The HSP70 and HSP90 families of chaperone proteins help to process hundreds of proteins that are crucial in a myriad of cellular processes, including cell cycle control, cell signaling, cell survival, and apoptosis. In diseases such as cancer, they provide critical support for proteins responsible for tumorigenic pathways, such as signaling kinases, transcription factors, epigenetic regulators, and metabolic enzymes...
  • CD39 Screening Services Cluster of differentiation 39, (CD39), is a cell surface enzyme that is highly expressed on regulatory T cells and plays an important role in modulating immune cell function. CD39 hydrolyzes ATP to ADP which can subsequently be hydrolyzed by CD73 to adenosine..  Adenosine can enhance tumor growth via two mechanisms – 1) binding of adenosine to A2A and A2B receptors expressed on tumor cells directly promotes tumor cell proliferation and 2) binding ...
  • Kinases Protein phosphorylation regulates almost all aspects of cell biology including cellular division, metabolism, signal transduction, and much more, a discovery that earned E. Fisher and E. Krebs the Nobel prize in Physiology in 1992. Kinases catalyze the transfer of a phosphate group from ATP to another molecule. There are over 500 kinases encoded by the human genome controlling approximately 50% of all cellular functions. Kinases are...
  • Coronavirus Services Biochemical Screening Cell-Based Services Cell Lines /CRISPR Protein Binding Studies/BLI BPS Bioscience has developed innovative proteins , cell lines , lentiviruses , and assay kits , to enable a wide range of preclinical activities for investigating potential COVID-19 antiviral drugs. These kits and services aim to rapidly advance drugs into the clinic by screening for compounds that prevent the ...
  • Assay Kit Frequently Asked Questions FAQ Topic: -Any- General Technical Questions IC50 Questions Fluorescence Polarization AlphaLISA® TR-FRET Luminescence FAQ Search: Do ...
  • Cell Cytotoxicity Screening & Profiling Services Small Molecule Cell Cytotoxicity Assays Understanding cell cytotoxicity, either as a result of targeted therapy or as a side effect, is important in drug development. Our expert scientists can help determine effective dose curves for your molecules of interest in whole cell assays, whether they are small molecules or biologics, including antibody drug conjugates. Over 30 different tumor cell lines are availabl...
  • Ubiquitination and CBL Introduction Ubiquitination is a process that involves the covalent binding of a 76 amino acid protein called ubiquitin to a target protein. This process is crucial for cellular homeostasis, regulating many cellular processes such as protein degradation, DNA repair, and cell signaling. Ubiquitination is a multistep process mediated by a group of enzymes known as ubiquitin ligases. Gain or loss of function of any of these enzymes can lead to impaired cellular functio...
  • TR-FRET Assays Simplify and Accelerate Drug Discovery Introduction Time-Resolved Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (TR-FRET) is a powerful technique commonly used to analyze the binding of two interacting molecules. Since most biological responses involve an interaction between at least two partners, TR-FRET is well suited to study a wide range of events, including many that characterize cellular signaling pathways. Possible applications are limitless: interaction ...
  • Frequently Asked Questions BPS Bioscience is here to answer your questions and provide project guidance. On the following pages, we outline some of the most frequently asked questions separated by product type. If your question is not answered through these resources, please contact us today and we are happy to assist.  Proteins Cell Lines Assay Kits ...
  • Citations   This page contains a list of scientific journal articles that have cited BPS products and services since 2013. We would like to congratulate all our loyal customers on their contributions to the scientific community. Our customers are truly amazing and dedicated scientists and this is evidenced by the outstanding research they are doing.  Search By Product Name or Catalog Number Name Title 10X HAT Assay Buffer (50095...