Search results for: 'OX40L'

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  • OX40 & OX40L Research Products The OX40:OX40L pathway is a critical co-stimulatory system that modulates T cell activation, differentiation, and survival. Immune checkpoint OX40, also known as CD134 or TNFRSF4, is a co-stimulatory molecule belonging to the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily. OX40 is mainly expressed by activated CD4 + and CD8 + T cells and is transiently induced upon TCR stimulation. T...
  • OX40 Signaling and Its Implications for Immunotherapy Introduction Immune checkpoint OX40, also known as CD134 or TNFRSF4, is a co-stimulatory molecule belonging to the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily. Its significance in regulating immune responses has garnered substantial attention in the field of immunotherapy. OX40 signaling plays a crucial role in modulating T cell activation, differentiation, and survival, thereby influencing the outcome of immune responses agains...
  • OX40 Screening Services Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 4, or OX40, is an immune co-stimulatory receptor. When OX40 is bound to its ligand, OX40L, signals are transmitted that serve to enhance survival of immune cells and increase pro-inflammatory signaling.  OX40 has been linked to different types of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. OX40 is also a promising immunotherapy target because stimulation of OX40 has been implicated as a potential treat...
  • Methods For Drug Discovery   Immunotherapies  based on targeting the  PD-1:PD-L1  immune checkpoint pathway are having clinical impact and are giving new hope to cancer patients. However, positive response to treatment is not guaranteed and resistance remains a concern. Improving outcomes based on immunotherapy requires multiple approaches for manipulating the complexities of the immune system and tumor microenvironment. To meet these challenges, a series of r...
  • The Promise of NK Cell Therapeutics Introduction NK cells are the first line of defense against cancer and have been in the spotlight as a cancer therapy in the last decade. Their advantages versus T cells, such as their safety profile and not requiring MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex)-antigen stimulation to become cytotoxic, have made NK cells attractive. However, as with T cells, the TME (tumor microenvironment) can suppress their activity, and infiltration into solid tumors is s...
  • Immunotherapy Biochemical Screening Services Immunotherapy is a type of medical treatment that engages the body's immune system to fight diseases, such as cancer, infections, and autoimmune disorders. It works by either stimulating the immune system to attack cancer cells or other disease-causing agents, or by using synthetic proteins or antibodies to target specific molecules on the surface of cancer cells or other pathogens. Immunotherapy has shown prom...