Search results for: 'tumor necrosis factor'

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  2. Immunotherapy Targets
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  • OX40 Screening Services Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 4, or OX40, is an immune co-stimulatory receptor. When OX40 is bound to its ligand, OX40L, signals are transmitted that serve to enhance survival of immune cells and increase pro-inflammatory signaling.  OX40 has been linked to different types of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. OX40 is also a promising immunotherapy target because stimulation of OX40 has been implicated as a potential treat...
  • Targeting BCMA in Mutliple Myeloma Multiple Myeloma Multiple myeloma is the second most commonly diagnosed blood cancer, after non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Multiple myeloma is a cancer in which immortalized plasma cells accumulate in the bone marrow, causing severe pain, anemia, and kidney failure. Multiple myeloma was once considered universally fatal. Improved diagnostic methods and innovative treatments are improving patient outcomes. Still, nearly all patients eventually relapse a...
  • HVEM, LIGHT & BTLA: New Immunotherapy Target The checkpoint receptors  HVEM ,  LIGHT ,  CD160 , and  BTLA  are part of a complex network of overlapping receptor interactions that function in both immune stimulation and suppression 1 ,  2  .  This regulatory function has made them therapeutic targets for treatment of cancer, autoimmune diseases and allergies, and for improved methods of organ transplants.  While presenting opportunities for...
  • TL1A:DR3 - A Pathway for Immunomodulation Introduction The TL1A:DR3 pathway stands as a promising frontier in immunomodulation, offering insights into novel therapeutic interventions for various autoimmune diseases, inflammatory disorders, and cancer. This technical note explores the intricate mechanisms underlying TL1A:DR3 signaling, its physiological roles, and its potential applications in clinical settings. By elucidating the complexities of this pathway, researchers and clinicians c...
  • OX40 Signaling and Its Implications for Immunotherapy Introduction Immune checkpoint OX40, also known as CD134 or TNFRSF4, is a co-stimulatory molecule belonging to the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily. Its significance in regulating immune responses has garnered substantial attention in the field of immunotherapy. OX40 signaling plays a crucial role in modulating T cell activation, differentiation, and survival, thereby influencing the outcome of immune responses agains...
  • The Promise of NK Cell Therapeutics Introduction NK cells are the first line of defense against cancer and have been in the spotlight as a cancer therapy in the last decade. Their advantages versus T cells, such as their safety profile and not requiring MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex)-antigen stimulation to become cytotoxic, have made NK cells attractive. However, as with T cells, the TME (tumor microenvironment) can suppress their activity, and infiltration into solid tumors is s...
  • Citations   This page contains a list of scientific journal articles that have cited BPS products and services since 2013. We would like to congratulate all our loyal customers on their contributions to the scientific community. Our customers are truly amazing and dedicated scientists and this is evidenced by the outstanding research they are doing.  Search By Product Name or Catalog Number Name Title 10X HAT Assay Buffer (50095...