Search results for: 'CD40'

  1. Root Catalog
  2. Overexpression
  • CD40:CD40L Assay Service
  • Methods For Drug Discovery   Immunotherapies  based on targeting the  PD-1:PD-L1  immune checkpoint pathway are having clinical impact and are giving new hope to cancer patients. However, positive response to treatment is not guaranteed and resistance remains a concern. Improving outcomes based on immunotherapy requires multiple approaches for manipulating the complexities of the immune system and tumor microenvironment. To meet these challenges, a series of r...
  • HVEM, LIGHT & BTLA: New Immunotherapy Target The checkpoint receptors  HVEM ,  LIGHT ,  CD160 , and  BTLA  are part of a complex network of overlapping receptor interactions that function in both immune stimulation and suppression 1 ,  2  .  This regulatory function has made them therapeutic targets for treatment of cancer, autoimmune diseases and allergies, and for improved methods of organ transplants.  While presenting opportunities for...
  • Citations   This page contains a list of scientific journal articles that have cited BPS products and services since 2013. We would like to congratulate all our loyal customers on their contributions to the scientific community. Our customers are truly amazing and dedicated scientists and this is evidenced by the outstanding research they are doing.  Search By Product Name or Catalog Number Name Title 10X HAT Assay Buffer (50095...
  • Immunotherapy Biochemical Screening Services Immunotherapy is a type of medical treatment that engages the body's immune system to fight diseases, such as cancer, infections, and autoimmune disorders. It works by either stimulating the immune system to attack cancer cells or other disease-causing agents, or by using synthetic proteins or antibodies to target specific molecules on the surface of cancer cells or other pathogens. Immunotherapy has shown prom...