Search results for: 'parp7'

  1. Root Catalog
  2. Biochemical Assay Kits
  • PARP Assays Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) proteins play a crucial role in DNA repair mechanisms within cells. These enzymes are involved in the repair of single-strand DNA breaks through the base excision repair pathway. Inhibition of PARP proteins has emerged as a promising strategy in cancer therapy, particularly in tumors with defective DNA repair mechanisms, such as those with BRCA mutations. When PARP is inhibited, it prevents the repair of single-strand breaks, leading to th...
  • DNA Replication & Repair Screening & Profiling DNA replication and repair are crucial processes for maintaining genetic integrity and ensuring the accurate transmission of genetic information necessary for cell division, growth, and development. Errors in replication can lead to mutations, resulting in genetic disorders and increased susceptibility to diseases like cancer. DNA repair mechanisms play a vital role in identifying and correcting damage to the ...
  • PARP/PARPTrap™ Screening & Profiling PARP (Poly ADP-Ribose Polymerase) proteins are a large family of 17 members that catalyze the ADP-ribosylation of proteins and DNA. PARPs are part of a network of 150 proteins involved in the DNA damage response, which constantly scan and repair DNA to maintain genome integrity. The PARP proteins are involved in a wide range of biological functions: DNA repair, chromatin remodeling, mitotic spindle assembly, regulati...